ADE Méditeranée conference

On 03/02/2025 at 15:00

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Salle Saint Exupéry - Menton

This conference is the story of the discovery of the underwater caves of Balzi Rossi by the association ADE Méditerranée in Menton.

In August 2023, ADE Méditerranée discovered, following a dive to identify biodiversity, a set of five underwater caves at the foot of the Grimaldi caves, in the transboundary area.

Each speaker will make his own presentation on the archaeological discovery, explaining the various technical aspects of archaeological research.

- Bernard Peyrano, the president of ADE Méditerranée, a structure capable of leading to the technical organization of diving and the legal and administrative declaration of the discovery to the institutions concerned.

- Alain Cascio, a diver-archaeologist capable of conducting underwater research in complex diving conditions and studying the findings.

- Almudena Arellano, an archaeologist who specializes in the site that selects

Salle Saint Exupéry 8 RUe de la République, 06500 Menton Les alpes maritimes France